陈明伟日本东北大学团队Adv. Mater.:亲锂性3D纳米多孔氮掺杂石墨烯作为无枝晶和超高速锂金属负极2018-11-13
北京化工大学Adv. Funct. Mater.:导热相变复合材料以各向异性石墨烯气凝胶为特征,用于实时快速充电的太阳能热能转换2018-11-12
KAIST team develops a fast and powerful graphene-based aqueous hybrid capacitor that may lead to a new type of energy storage system2018-11-11
GraphenTech to give away free graphene samples, in search for future collaborations2018-11-11
马里兰大学胡良兵&NASA林奕:开, 关之间实现石墨烯材料的高性能组装2018-11-03
Zenyatta to collaborate with German Aerospace Center on graphene composites2018-10-18
Chinese materials company opens new graphene plant in Heilongjiang2018-10-16
Graphene Flagship team shows the potential of graphene-enhanced photonics2018-10-16
Researchers develop a technique to fabricate large squares of graphene riddled with controlled holes2018-10-12
The Graphene Crowdfunding Arena - a new way to raise funds for graphene companies2018-10-11
Urbix announces economically-viable graphene-enhanced concrete2018-10-10
IBM develops method to use graphene to deposit materials at a specific, nanoscale location2018-10-10
Leading Edge Materials signs LOI with Graphmatech for future graphene production JV in Sweden2018-10-09
刘忠范&彭海琳Chem. Rev.综述:化学气相沉积制备石墨烯–理想与现实2018-10-01
Directa Plus unveils world's first road surface containing graphene2018-09-27
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