Versarien to collaborate with Chinese aerospace company
Versarien LogoVersarien has announced its plans to enter an agreement with a large state-owned Chinese aerospace company. The Partner is said to mainly be engaged in the research, design, manufacture and operation of various aerospace systems.

The agreement details the parties' desire to collaborate and ultimately enter into a strategic cooperation covering research, development and manufacturing in order to accelerate the industrialization and market for graphene and other Versarien 2D materials, including Hexotene, in the Chinese aerospace sector. This will include exploring their uses within the fields of, amongst others, microwave and electromagnetic radiation shielding, heat dispersion coatings, 3D printing and flexible wearable devices.

Neill Ricketts, CEO of Versarien, commented: "We are delighted to have reached this agreement with our latest Chinese Partner. The aerospace sector is at the forefront of developing advanced materials to cope with demands for attributes such as lightness, high strength, conductivity, temperature resistance and corrosion resistance. We believe that the incorporation of Versarien's graphene and other 2D materials can provide significant benefits and we look forward to collaborating with the Partner to develop new and innovative products".

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