GRAPHOSITE project aims to develop an efficient composite monitoring tool
“GRAPHOSITE” is a 30-month project which started on the 1st August 2018. Its main objective is to develop a Graphene Sensor for Defect Detection and Predictive Maintenance in Composite Materials, for use as a highly efficient, more convenient composite monitoring tool.

GRAPHOSITE project logo image

This project has been supported by the Innovate UK (£1.3 Million Grant-Project Ref. 104266) and has the participation of 6 Partners: Advise-Deta (project coordinator), DZP Technologies, Cambridge Nanomaterials Technology, Haydale Composite Solutions and TWI.

Advise-Deta is a recently formed SME that specializes in implementing advanced sensors to a wide range of material transformation processes, including polymer processing, composite materials manufacturing, mixing of chemicals and repair of structures. DZP Technologies is a leading developer of specialty materials, formulations, and technologies for emerging industries. Cambridge Nanomaterials Technology is a nanomaterials innovation, management and technology consulting company based in Cambridge, England. Haydale Composite Solutions is an independent research and development company specializing in the development of advanced composites and nanomaterial enhanced composites and their applications. TWI is an independent research and technology organisation, with expertise in materials joining and engineering processes as applied in industry.

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