Ionic Industries enters agreement with Nanothings to develop graphene-based supercapacitors for IoT applications
Ionic Industries logoIonic Industries has signed an LOI with US-based Nanothings for development of graphene supercapacitors for IoT applications. The two companies will work together to develop an energy storage solution that will enable a new generation of IoT tracking technologies based on Nanothings’ proprietary NanoTag devices.

The terms of the LOI cover a range of details about how the technology will be developed and how it might be commercialized jointly.

Nanothings has proprietary technology for printed circuitry and sensor tags, firmware, and software that enable disposable, long range, low cost applications in numerous industries. To progress this technology, Nanothings requires an energy storage solution that is not currently available in the open market.

Ionic has proprietary technology in the field of graphene supercapacitors that may have the potential to meet the performance requirements of Nanothings’ devices. Some further development work is required to produce a prototype device that specifically meets Nanothings requirements.

The agreement sets out a path toward a commercial arrangement that will ensure seamless integration of Ionic technologies into Nanothings devices to deliver maximum value for Nanothings and Ionic.

The next step involves delivery of prototype devices to Nanothings in January, followed by commercial negotiations and further development of the manufacturing strategy.

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